아키코 에비 (Akkiko Ebi)
아키코 에비 (Akkiko Ebi)
악기: 피아노
의 멤버이다: 파리 음악원, 도쿄예술대학, 텔레콤 본사
국적: French, Japanese
She serves on the juries of international competitions around the world. She serves on the juries of international competitions around the world.

Akiko EBI is a world‐class pianist. Ebi developed her career after winning the 41st Music Competition of Japan in her freshman year at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. After graduating at the top of her class from the Paris Conservatoire, she studied in the graduate school of the Conservatoire as well.
EBI was Grand Prix winner of the Marguerite Long‐Jacques Thibaud Competition, where she was also awarded four special prizes by A. Rubinstein and others. She also won the 5th prize of the International Chopin Piano Competition in 1980.

Akiko EBI has received numerous awards and official commendations, including the Frederic Chopin Society of Japan Award, two Japan Gold Disc Awards, the Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres from the French Government, a medal as an honorary citizen of Paris, and the Exxon‐Mobile Music Prize (Japan).
For more than 30 years, EBI has been active as a participating musician in music festivals and recordings for TV and radio in many areas of the world including Japan, Europe, the United States, Canada, Central and South America, Russia, China and the Middle East. She has performed with many conductors as Skrowacewsky, Brüggen, Foster, Janowski, Sinaisky, Guschlbauer, Calderon, Koschler, Fournet, Sado, Inoué, Kobayashi etc. and with orchestras, the Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Monte Carlo Philharmonic, Argentine National Symphony, Luxembourg Philharmonic, and major British orchestras, NHK Symphony, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony, Japan Philharmonic and New Japan Philharmonic Orchestras. A two‐piano duo concert performed by Ebi and Martha Argerich was televised in countries throughout Europe and also in Israel and Japan, receiving high acclaim.

EBI has recorded 11 CD albums, including works of Chopin, Ravel and Duo‐Piano ‐Violin ( Lekeu, Fauré ) , Quintets for Piano and Strings by Webern, Franck and Pierné.
Akiko EBI was formerly a Visiting Professor in the Department of Instrumental Music (Piano), Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. She was also formerly a Professor in the Graduate School of Nihon University College of Art. She is a trustee of the Frederic Chopin Society of Japan, and chairperson of the Planning Committee of the Yokohama International Piano Concert.

Akiko EBI serves on the juries of international competitions around the world. She was chair of the jury of the 8th and 9th Hamamatsu International Piano Competitions. She served on the juries of the Marguerite Long‐ Jacques Thibaud Competition and the 17th International Chopin Piano Competitions in Warsaw.

자세히 알아보기 아키코 에비 (Akkiko Ebi) 숨다

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