Monthly Piano Subscription

Unlimited access to piano masterclasses, concerts and interviews

Exclusive interviews with the world's greatest professors

Sheet music annotated by our professors, and ready for download

Multi angle videos available in HD on all your devices

19.8€/ Month

excl. VAT - At the time of payment, a 20% VAT rate applies to European Union residents and a 2% VAT rate applies to all subscribers. 

What will you get

Access to the biggest and richest catalog of classical music masterclasses
Access to the biggest and richest catalog of classical music masterclasses
Learn from the best professors of music, competition’s winners and jury’s members
Learn from the best professors of music, competition’s winners and jury’s members
Keep updated with new videos and classes every month
Keep updated with new videos and classes every month
Benefit from the music sheet annotated with the teacher’s recommandations
Benefit from the music sheet annotated with the teacher’s recommandations