Cookie management policy posted on the MUSICAMPUS SAS website:

Update day: December 2021

The protection of personal data is taken into account by the Company; MUSICAMPUS SAS which wishes to explain in a clear and transparent manner how and why it collects, processes, stores and uses your personal data.

The website accessible to the following address: (hereafter the “ Site”) is edited; by the Company; MUSICAMPUS SAS, Company; by Simplified Shares with capital of €117,500, identified under number 885 407 189 in the Trade and Companies Register of Besançon, with the following intra-community VAT number: FR60885407189 and whose registered office is located in to at the following address: Saline Royale Academy, Grande Rue, 25160, Arc-et-Senans (hereinafter the “Company”).

This cookie management policy (hereinafter the “Management Policy”) is offered by the Company. and informs you about the deposit and use of cookies on the Site: https://www.salineacademy. com/en/