International Summer Piano Academy Disentis
CHF 2’500
Young pre-professional musicians, Young professional musicians
Online registration, Video recording
+41 (44) 422 20 71
International Summer Piano Academy Disentis aims to discover, to support and to promote young outstanding international pianists. They get an opportunity to develop their skills, to work on the repertoire and to extend the results onto the concert stage.
ISPA Disentis will take place from July 24th till August 7th, 2022 at the Disentis Abbey, a Benedictine monastery in the Canton of Graubünden, eastern Switzerland. The course brings together young pianists with professors, musicologists and leading journalists of the modern piano world. In the period of two weeks, the participants will get regular tuition, attend lectures, seminars and workshops; they will perform in house concerts and public concerts. Some of the students will be recommended for participation in the concert series «Musik an der ETHZ und UZH» in Zurich; most advanced students will also be able to receive financial support from our sponsors for their further education.
Founded in the 8th century, Disentis Monastery is today the spiritual and educational center of the Upper Rhine Valley (Vorderrheintal). The location of the Abbey provides not only with a very special and inspiring work frame for the course, but also gives the necessary background for both relaxation and concentration.
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